The Touch Research Institute study found that a 15-minute chair massage boosted alertness! Tests also show that brain-wave activity stimulated by massage is linked to improved attention.
The effects of a 15-minute chair massage include:
1. Reduce stress and decrease anxiety and depression
Each 15 or 20-minute massage session can reduce stress level by 85%! This effective office stress reliever is found to be one of the biggest benefits of providing daily massage at the workplace.
Massage provided on the spot, just in time also reduces anxiety by 26% and improve depression scores by 28% after the massage.
2. Better blood stream and lower blood pressure
The therapeutic touch from a massage chair helps the lungs to work in a slower and deeper way. As the body relaxes, more oxygen is taken into bloodstream and circulates around the body. Without any medication, regular massage can help drop the high blood pressure by 6%!
3. Relieve body tension and pain – back, neck and shoulders.
A massage session can relieve back pain, neck and shoulder pain by 48% instantly. And people with carpal tunnel and tendonitis issues sees 14% decrease in pain and discomfort.
4. Improve quality of sleep
Over multiple studies, averagely massage can improve sleep quality by 28% including sleep duration and sleep disturbances.
5. Increases focus, energy and mental clarity
After chair massages, employees show increased alertness, speed and accuracy on math computations.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), repetitive strain injuries are the nation’s most common and costly occupational health problem, affecting hundreds of thousands of American workers, and costing more than $20 billion a year in workers’ compensation. And in Canada alone, some 2.3 million adults are experiencing repetitive strain injuries RSIs. The RSIs are mainly caused by work-related activities: Repetition, rapid work pace, awkward positions, forceful movements, cold temperatures, occupational stress and too little recovery time.
When muscles are tired, they grab onto other muscles around them for support. Over the long term, they glue together, hardening and losing their ability to function. Massage chairs work to knead out knots and isolate muscles from one another, which brings back range of motion, in addition to reduce muscle spasms and remove built-up tension.
it’s much more difficult to restore your body to health than if you’d been ensuring your tissues were flexible, pliable, and taken care of before the pain or soreness settled in Even weekly chair massage can reduce the repetitive stress injuries by 37%.
And Today’s chair massage is using electric massage chairs!
The traditional chair massage for corporation events is great but requires extra human resources-the masseuses and it is not possible to access easily. Given today’s elite technology, Today’s chair massage for workplace is using electric massage chairs!
Having the eclectic massage chairs (or robotic massage chairs) in your workplace will yield much more important effects on top of the massage benefits.
1. Accessible 24/7
Health and wellness are 24/7 issues, so should your wellness solutions. Higher accessibility breeds higher success. Accessibility also makes things measurable, which is exactly what all corporations strive to have! Ad hoc programs just don’t cut it.
2. Increase the Awareness of Wellness
Having massage chairs at worksites increases the awareness of workplace wellness and transforms the work environment: Everyone can use the chairs to relax, do their best work, make phone calls and have meetings while gain health.
The existence of the massage chairs also shifts the environment. As one of our clients from Amazon said: It has changed the dynamic of the building. Environment is always stronger than willpower. Only when your solutions can impact the workplace environment rather than just individuals, your solutions can work and last.
3. Integrate health and wellness
The wellness solution should be able to fit seamlessly into your employees’ lifestyle and work style. Massage Chairs in workplaces integrate health and happiness into employees’ daily life; The wellness lounges can be part of any employee engagement programs.
4. Flexibility
People like to feel as though they have choices, and they are in control, especially when it comes to their health. Wellness solutions or services you choose should give employees the most freedom to use on site, whenever they are able or need to use them.
5. Fun
Having Fun naturally draw employees to participate and stick with it. It won’t last long if it is boring. Massage Chairs are simply Fun! Our clients voted the massage chairs at work as the number one fun wellness Solution! It is the kind of fun you can enjoy alone or being social.
Dear Better Lounge, I recently attended the ISA International Sign Expo® in Las Vegas along with over 20,000 attendees and nearly 600 vendors. The […] More...
You made the big ticket purchase of a luxury robotic massage chair, after all, you deserve the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation! The last thing you want is to have the stress of paying more money out of pocket some time down the road because of some small technical problem. To help you avoid this unpleasant surprise, we have done the market research for you. In the chart below you will find a simple, easy to understand summary of every Massage chair warranty in the Canadian market. More...
Though still few Canadians know about RSIs or MSDs, every year some 2.3 million Canadian adults are experiencing repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) or MSDs and the majority of these injuries are caused by work-related activities. Repetition, rapid work pace, awkward positions, forceful movements, vibration, cold temperatures, occupational stress and too little recovery time from hard physical labor are the main culprits. More...