I suffered from bad Neck and Shoulder pain again after a long day working on the laptop and using my smartphones. While I was sitting in a massage chair to relieve the pain, I realized one thing: As long as you are living in today and you are using laptops, smart phones or other daily computer devices, you can Not avoid to ‘hunch’ over or ‘drop heads’ constantly. Stand up desks and/or ergonomic furniture don’t eliminate this problem. Though there are methods and exercises to prevent us from getting into trouble, I do believe it is Very important to have ways to relieve the pain as soon as possible especially if you already have the pain! The following are 3 steps you can follow for quick relief. Step 1: Breathe Yes, take a deep breath and breathe into the sore spots of your body and slowly exhale. All studies show that we often forgot to breathe when we are in pain or stressed out. Step 2: Drink Water The discs between the vertebrae in your spine require water to maintain disc height and spinal alignment. Step 3: Massage Using massage chairs is the fastest and most convenient way to relieve pain and stress! You can rent or buy top quality massage chairs for your workplace here. If you don’t have massage chairs at work, try self kneading your neck and shoulder or Ask a colleague to give a hand!
3 Steps to Quickly Relieve Neck and Shoulder Pain at Work